Note: In order to stream HBO GO from an Internet browser you’ll need to turn off Hardware Acceleration. Now all you have to do to stream HBO GO content over Discord is open the browser you are playing HBO GO from, then click the Stream icon in Discord and choose your browser from the list of options. This will allow you to stream HBO GO over Discord to your chosen channel. In the new window click the Add it! option and select your browser from the list.This will take you to a new screen where you will need to click Game Activity near the bottom of the left-hand panel.When you have Discord open click the Settings icon to the right of your Username at the bottom of the screen. To do this open Discord and sign in to your account.Before you start the steps shown below, make sure the program, app or browser you want to add is running. To begin streaming HBO GO over Discord, you’ll need to first configure Discord to work with other programs that aren’t games. How do you Stream HBO GO over Discord? Stream HBO GO content to your Discord Channel.
720p is decent enough if you are viewing on a mobile device anyway, it’s also far more stable and less prone to lag. The only catch to streaming on Discord is that you’ll be capped at a 720p quality unless you have a nitro subscription. However, you can add them really easy and it only takes a few minutes to set up. By default, Discord will detect games and give you quick screen share options that don’t include things like browsers or other apps. For example, if you really want to watch something with your friends and chat about what’s going on in real-time, it makes perfect sense to stream a streaming service! So how exactly do you stream HBO GO over Discord? Discord only lets your stream games right? Nope! You can stream a lot of different things using Discord.Īlthough most people assume Discord can only be used for gaming content and streaming games, it is possible to stream just about any sort of content from Discord to your channels.
Streaming content from a service like HBO GO, then re-streaming it over another source might seem like a really weird thing to do for a lot of people but there are instances you may find yourself wanting to do it.
Related: How to stream Netflix over Discord.